O'Reilly Community Webcasts

O’Reilly, always a strong supporter of user groups, has recently announced webcasts that provide the community with opportunities for audience information and participation. These webcasts typically attract a global audience–it’s not unusual to see participants from thirty countries or more. Past webcast subjects have included the Best iPhone Apps, Snow Leopard and more. The September 24 edition covers security in cloud computing.

Download the archived Best iPhone Apps webcast.

Sign up for free sessions.

Australian Apple User Groups Have a New Magazine

Founded by Nicholas Pyers and made up of more than 30 groups in
Australia, AppleUsers.org is a central gathering spot for the leaders of
Australian Apple User Groups. On July 25 they displayed their newest
project: a new digital format (PDF) magazine for all Australian Apple
User Groups to distribute free to their members.

They work together to grow together.