Leader Special Offer – Apparent Software: Leader Offer

Trickster keeps track of recent files you’ve been using on your Mac by giving you super easy and lightning fast access to them. ImageFramer is the Mac way to frame your pictures with over a thousand beautiful frame designs available and more being added constantly. Cashculator is the Mac way to plan, track your cash flow, make smarter financial decisions and reach your financial goals.
Apparent Software (https://www.apparentsoft.com) can provide NFR full copies of any of their Mac apps for Apple user group leaders review and raffle to members. Interested leaders should contact Susannah Skyer Gupta at susannah@apparentsoft.com directly, provide their user group name, and let her know what apps they would like.
This worldwide offer is ongoing.

Leader Special Offer – Gumdrop Cases for Review

gumdropcasesGumdrop Cases provides ruggedized cases for iPads, MacBooks, iPhones and more. Designed with durable protection that can withstand repeated 6-foot falls, Gumdrop’s cases are rapidly becoming one of the leading solutions to keep your tech safe from damage at home, school and work. Learn more at gumdropcases.com.

One free evaluation sample is available per Apple user group. This can be kept or given away during user group meeting.

To accept this offer, contact Jason at jasonh@gumdropcases.com with the name, email, location and meeting presentation date for your Apple User Group. A posted written review of the accepted product would also be preferable.

This worldwide offer is ongoing.

Leader Special Offer – EverWeb by RAGE Software: Free to Apple User Group Leaders


EverWeb is an easy to use drag and drop website builder. No coding, and no web building experience is required to get your beautiful website up and running. If you have ever used Apple’s now discontinued iWeb, your transition to EverWeb will be a breeze. EverWeb’s user interface, and most of its functionality is very similar to iWeb. Build a website either from scratch using a blank canvas, or modify one of the many professionally designed built-in templates.
The Apple User Group Leader may review the product and present at user group meetings. To download, please visit http://billing.ragesw.com/link.php?id=38 The link is pre-loaded with a one-time discount code.
This worldwide offer is ongoing.