This session opened with my welcome, plus a quick review of the meeting protocols. Doug Smith, Chair of the Apple User Group Advisory Board (AUGAB) members was present to support this call.
The format for this meeting was an open discussion with many participants sharing their very interesting descriptions and observations about iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and iCloud+ announcements at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference on June 7 including Mitch Bryars of Naples MacFriends User Group, Dan Wassink of Dan’s Tutorials, Steve Welsh of Oregon MacPioneers Users, George Brooks of the Naples MacFriends User Group, and others. This was followed by a wonderful offer by Eckart Goette and George Rubin of Naples MacFriends User Group for all members of AWUGU affiliated MUGs to attend their five September meetings for free (to register, email registrar@naplesmug.com, and in the message subject field include September and the affiliated AUG name, see website naplesmug.com > Meetings for September meeting details).
Below are some of the links offered during the WWDC21 discussion:
• George Brooks: Saturday, June 26, Suburban Chicago AUG https://myscau.org has program on Contacts at 10:00 AM CDT, get an invite by emailing vp@myscau.org
• Dan Wassink: one of Aperture’s authors produced “Raw Power”, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/raw-power/id1157116444?mt=12
We are very pleased with this fifth meeting of 2021. Files related to this meeting are available on our AWUGU shared folder:
The versatility of Keynote (with Isabel Collins as a presenter) was agreed as the topic for our next meeting, to be called “The Magic of Keynote”, was scheduled for July 19, 2021, at 5:00pm Central Daylight Savings Time.
All AWUGU previous registrants will receive an invitation to all future meetings. To become a participant, any interested Apple User Group leader must first register with the AWUGU Coordinator by emailing their name, location, and user group name and web link to macquest@mac.com. Registration must be received by June 19 in order to receive a Zoom Meeting invitation (a download of the free Zoom app in advance is also necessary, and an update will be important for existing users).