This month’s Milestones includes the Apple Blossom Computer Club: four members started a club in 1981 and one has been a member ever since. Mexico’s iGroup is twelve years old and has grown to more than 700 on-site and online members. Happy anniversary to a worldwide list of some of our oldest and largest groups.
1977 AppleRock
(Greetings to President Joan Poletti.)
1979 Apple-Q Inc
(Congrats to Apple-Q members who are offering help with the after effects of the flooding.)
1981 Apple Blossom Computer Club
(Greetings to Apple Ambassador Jim McClellan and members of ABCC)
1984 dBug – Seattle Mac User Group
1984 North Coast Mac Users Group (CA)
(Congratulations to President Lorene Romero and NCMUG members for another hugely successful MCE.)
1984 Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society
(Sending a warm hello to President Arthur Barber and members of TUMS)
1984 Victoria Macintosh Users Group
(Greetings to President Dave Traynor and VMUG members.)
1985 Silicon Mountain Macintosh User Group
(Congratulations to President Jim Johnson, Assistant Webmaster Ralph Woodard, Apple User Group Board member Lynn Poos and the wonderful folk at SMMUG.)
1991 Rheintaler Macintosh User Group (REMUG)
(Thanks to President Martin Hilber for this tip.)
1992 Macintosh Business Users Society of Greater Philadelphia
(Greetings to President Chris Urban, VP Irv Herzog and members – wish I could be there for Dave’s presentation on October 25.)
1999 iGroup Mexico
(Thanks to long-time President and top-class organizer Edgar Orduna for this tip.)
2002 AppleSeeds
(Thanks to President Julie Burwood for this tip.)