AWUGU: User Group Exchange
by Tom Piper, Coordinator
This Apple World User Group University online gathering of Apple user group leaders was held at 5:00pm CT, on March 15, 2021, via Zoom. We had 29 participants who joined for the topic of sharing the “User Group Exchange” (see PDF images and attendance list in AWUGU resource folder). The 121-minute video can be viewed at: (unlisted on YouTube).
Mike Kwasniak of Suffolk MUG (UK) made the first presentation about his user group’s new successful participation with the Naples MUG in Florida. Next, Steve Welsh of Oregon MacPioneers Users Group extensively explained many cooperative efforts among Oregon’s seven user groups (see Keynote and movie in AWUGU resource folder). David Ginsberg of Suburban Chicago Users Group then described the annual Macstock gathering of Apple enthusiasts. Below are some of the links offered during the UG Exchange discussion:
- Suffolk Mac Users Group:
- Naples Mac Users Group:
- Oregon MacPioneers User Group:
- Macstock website:
- Macstock Youtube:
During the followup portion of the meeting, George Brooks asked about Zoom recording disclosures and privacy policies, noting that Suburban Chicago now has such a policy (contact him at to get a copy). Marty Dorio also noted that Naples MUG has such a policy in its old website. Dan Wassink then presented his new Demo User Group Proposal ( which could provide a versatile WordPress website for user groups at a nominal fee (for more information, email Cassie Mac followed followed with a brief description of NEW WORLD by Today at Apple & It’s Nice That: Craig Jobbins of the London Mac User Group also mentioned Brew & Byte, their new podcast (
We are very pleased that this second meeting of 2021, was informative and helpful. Files related to this meeting are available on our AWUGU shared folder: Succession planning was suggested as a potential future meeting topic, while a collection of past suggestions (Zoom best presentation methods, hybrid streaming/face-to-face meetings, and related apps) will be the topic for our next meeting which is tentatively scheduled for May 17, 2021 at 5:00pm Central Daylight Savings Time titled “Everything Zoom”. All AWUGU previous registrants will receive an invitation to all meetings.
To become a participant, any interested Apple User Group leader must first register with the AWUGU Coordinator by emailing their name, location, and user group name and web link to Registration must be received by May 15 in order to receive a Zoom Meeting invitation (a download of the free Zoom app in advance is also necessary, and an update will be important for existing users).