Written By Tom Piper

Our members are often too timid to ask questions at meetings because they’re afraid it might appear “dumb” or embarrassing. We just started a new way to elicit questions in advance of our monthly meetings which has become very successful.

Five days before each meeting, we email a notice to all members which reminds them of the topic, location and website information. Now, we have added the following:

(see NEW requests below . . . the iTunes card drawing will offered ONLY to those responding with questions)

• Meeting Question, what do you need to know?

(to submit, just highlight the Meeting Question above, click Reply, enter your questions, and click Send to email back your responses BEFORE January 5)

This has produced about a dozen questions for each meeting. These questions are projected on the screen for easy viewing, and the responses by our “gurus” often stimulate other related questions from attendees.

We are so pleased that this technique has gotten more people involved, and many warm comments have been offered afterwards.

For more information, feel free to visit our website at www.applejac.org, or contact me directly at macquest@mac.com.