Tom Piper


This Apple World User Group University (AWUGU) online gathering of Apple user group leaders was held at 5:00pm CDST, on April 17, 2023, via Zoom. We had 42 participants for Benefits of AUG Membership. The 85-minute video can be viewed at (unlisted on YouTube).

This session opened with my welcome, plus a quick review of the meeting protocols. This was followed by a belated Artificial Intelligence presentation about AI for the Heart Human by Marie-fazia Boughenou (Hyper Pomme Paris) whose slideshow can be found in the AWUGU shared folder (see link below).

The first presentation was about ChatGPT’s view of AUG benefits by me (appleJAC User Group) showing five important advantages of membership. This was followed by individual AUG perspectives provided by George Rubin (retired NMUG President) and Eckart Goette (current NMUG President), Ann McKay and Hope Tillman (Apple Charlestown User Group), Nicholas Smith (National Capital Apple Mac Users Group), Dale Stephen (Mac-in-Awe Apple Users Group), Marty Welter (Central Wisconsin Apple User Group), Steve Welsh (The Oregon MacPioneers User Group), Bob Wood (Tucson Macintosh Users Group), Susan Jensen (The Apple Users Society of Melbourne), and others. There was also a brief discussion about succession planning and difficulties accessing the AWUGU iCloud folder (now fixed).

AUG invitations were also offered by Dale Stephen when on May 10 their two Mid-Michigan Mac clubs will host a presentation by 1Password and Janet & Charles DeVore when on Portland Macintosh Users Group of Oregon will be hosting their April 22-23 MacCamp. 

Susan Jensen (sjens@mac.comasked if anyone with WordPress experience might be available to be a volunteer Webmaster for AUSOM? Please contact her ASAP if you know of such a person who could assist them.

Related to the topic of user group benefits, numerous experiences shared and suggestions were provided by user group leaders with the following links in the Chat Room:

We are very pleased with this fourth meeting of 2023. Files related to this meeting (including chat, closed caption, agendas, reports, slideshows and videos) are available on our AWUGU shared folder:

After a brief discussion about future topics related to efforts to find knowledgeable presenters, it was suggested that “AUG Speaker Bureau” be scheduled for May 15, 2023, at 5:00pm Central Daylight Saving Time (all current AWUGU registrants will receive an invitation to all future meetings)

To become a participant, any interested Apple User Group leader must first register with the AWUGU Coordinator by emailing their name, location, and user group name and web link to Registration must be received by May 13 in order to receive a Zoom Meeting invitation.